Jag har ju berättat att när Nyapostoliska Reformationen rasade som värst vid tiden för Knutby varnade Herren oss. Detta var en andlig bild av en elitism likt Hitler. Ve dem som stod emot det rike de försökte upprätta, Jesus sa att hata en människa är samma sak som mord.
Idag är det så att en agenda pågår att infiltrera församlingarna med denna elitism – Nya Apostlar och Profeter med nya uppenbarelser. Ve dig du gamla kristna korsbärare om du inte böjer dig för “makten”. Det kommer ständigt rapporter hur dessa “maktmänniskor” har planerade utrensningar i kyrkorna. Man “hatar” och “dödar” och tror man tjänar Gud. Jag är säker på att det är dessa nya Apostlar och Profeter Jesus varnar oss för.

Mat 24:45 Om det finns en trogen och förståndig tjänare, som av sin herre blivit satt över de andra tjänarna för att ge dem mat i rätt tid, (Kairos = Bestämd tid) 46 salig är den tjänaren, om hans herre finner honom göra så, när han kommer. 47 Amen säger jag er: Han skall sätta honom över allt vad han äger. 48 Men om tjänaren är ond och säger i sitt hjärta: Min herre dröjer, 49 och han börjar slå de andra tjänarna och äter och dricker med dem som är druckna, 50 då skall hans herre komma en dag när tjänaren inte väntar honom och i en stund han inte känner till 51 och hugga honom i stycken och låta honom få sin plats bland hycklare. Där skall man gråta och skära tänder.

Varför tror ni de säger att Herren dröjer? Jo “Riket” skall ju upprättas av dessa maktmänniskor synligt innan Jesus kommer menar de. De bedras av Postmillianism att vi redan lever i 1000 års riket. Läs gärna vad Elvor drömde om ett andligt “Harmagedon” (Exakt vad vi ser ske nu)
Lägg märke till hur Hitler satsade stenhårt för att påverka ungdomen.
Här följer kloka ord från David Hunt hur detta verkligen liknar Nazism.
Dave Hunt’s words are very timely for today.
“Adolf Hitler was a good potential Antichrist. His opposition to God, plain enough now, deceived many at first. While deliberately out to destroy Christianity and replace it with his neopagan occultism, Hitler pretended that he was the champion of real Christianity. And in many ways his pretense was convincing, for Hitler officially opposed homosexuality, immorality, occultism (though he was involved in occultism/immorality). He claimed to be God’s representative to establish His kingdom upon earth, and regularly invoked the name and blessing of God in his speeches. For example:
1940: “We pray our Lord that He would continue to bless us in our battle for freedom….”
1941: “We believe we shall earn the blessing of the Supreme Leader…the Lord God has given His approval to our battle. He will be with us…in the future.”
1942: “And we will pray the Lord God for that, the salvation of the nation….”
1943: “Our Lord God…will help us as He always has….”
Could any real Christians have been deceived? Did some go along with Hitler to save their own skins? The following from a speech by Dr.Hans Kerrl, Nazi Minister of Church Affairs, is probably representative of the deception under the Antichrist’s world religion. It reveals how blatant the lie can become while still being eagerly embraced in the name of “positive Christianity”:
“The Party stands [for]…Positive Christianity, and Positive Christianity is National Socialism…National Socialism is the doing of God’s will…God’s will reveals itself in German blood….That Christianity consists in faith in Christ as Son of God makes me laugh….
No, Christianity is not dependent upon the Apostles’ Creed…True Christianity is represented by the Party, and the German people are now called by the Party and especially by the Fuehrer to a real Christianity….
The Fuehrer is the herald of a New Revelation.”
Thousands of German pastors joined the newly organized “German Christians’ Faith Movement,” which supported Nazi doctrines and promoted the concept of a “Reich Church” that would unite all Protestants under the state. A minority of pastors, led by Martin Niemoeller, who had originally welcomed Hitler to power, realized at last that Hitler’s “positive Christianity” was in fact anti-Christian, and so opposed the nazification of the church. The vast majority of both Catholics and Protestants and their leaders, however, enthusiastically welcomed Hitler’s takeover of their country and obeyed his orders without apparent protest or twinge of conscience.
The “Reich Church,” formed under leaders picked by Hitler, was formally recognized by the Reichstag on July 14, 1933. On November 13, a massive rally was held in the Berlin Sportpalast by the “German Christians’ Faith Movement.” Leaders of the rally proposed abandonment of the Old Testament (not so far from today’s rejection of Israel) and revision of the New Testament to fit National Socialism. Resolutions called for “One People, One Reich, One Faith” and an oath of allegiance to Hitler to be signed by all pastors.
Though Christians had never expected developments to reach this stage, most were too happy over the prosperity and the new social stability to be concerned about Nazi control of the church. Protesters were dealt with harshly by the Gestapo, whose reign of terror against true Christians began with the arrest of 700 pastors in the fall of 1935.
Amazingly, it was all done in the name of “freedom of religion” and for “unity” especially unity . That will be the cry of the deceivers in our day. Ecumenism is so appealing, yet will eventually produce an apostate church for the Antichrist. Make no mistake: What happened in Germany will happen again but with far greater deception. In fact, one can discern its beginnings now.”
-Dave Hunt