All splittring är inte dålig – Alan Morrison

BE CAREFUL WHEN YOU SAY, “ALL DIVISION IS A BAD THING”. For that is not strictly correct. Gratuitous divisiveness is certainly to be avoided. But the stark reality is that in a world shot through with lies and deception, Truth divides. And the dividing line on this earth is between two distinct camps. 1) Those who further the heavenly kingdom of the Christ, exposing darkness and living a counterculture existence in the spirit of Truth and Light, and, 2) those who aid and abet the pretended earthly empire of the fallen archangel, Satan, and his fellow fallen angels (demons) — either through deliberate intent or by default. There are no half-measures in this. One is either in one camp or the other, whether one realises it or not. The Christ Himself said, “Do you think that I have come to bring peace to the earth? No, I tell you, but division” (Gospel of Luke, chapter 12, verse 51). This is the essence of life on this planet in its current condition.

The grand paradox in this is that it is the satanic cabal and power-elite which speaks of creating ‘unity on earth’ through the building of an earthly empire. But it’s a phony unity imposed under authoritarian control and outside of the oversight of the Christ who is the real, but largely ignored, ruler of this world. For Truth does not unify in a world rooted in lies, deception and subterfuge in the ‘spirit of Antichrist’, but it creates division, and rightly so. Only falsehood creates global unity in a world such as this. This paradox has fooled so many — especially new age ‘super-spiritual’ types who think that this world can be as one. That is one of the greatest illusions on this planet today. One cannot have genuine world peace rooted in freedom in a world whose rulership has been usurped by Satan, the prince of darkness, until he has been visibly “cast out” from this cosmos, which was the reason that Christ came to this earth, though it will not be finally ratified until He returns. The only ‘unity’ one can have in such a world as this is one in which there is no opposition to satanic rule with enforced conformity among all those who have been brainwashed into paying homage to the ruler of the darkness of this age, which they do not only by submitting to the corrupt world-system but also by resisting the Truth and denying the reality of the Christ. This corrupt world-system will be fully realised when the Antichrist takes control at some future time before the end of this age, for he will be directly empowered by Satan (Book of Revelation, chapter 13, verse 2b, where he is symbolised as “the dragon”; and the Second Letter to the Thessalonians, chapter 2, verse 9).

Maybe you’re sitting there thinking, “Whoa, this guy is a total fruitcake. Satan? Angels? Demons? Antichrist? Friggin’ nuts! And as for the idea of Christ… hahaha! Did he even exist? It’s just a load of outmoded religious baloney!” Hey, I can understand you thinking that. But the only reason it sounds nutty and outmoded is because an increasingly ignorant culture has been fashioned in this world so that most of its inhabitants have been anaesthetized to Truth. We have had the reality of the spiritual battle waged against Light by the forces of darkness washed from our brains by the satanic force of distraction. New age thinking (which is now mainstream, globalist, and uniting with corporate business operating under the auspices of the power-elite in a vain attempt to “save the planet through one-world unity”) has had a part to play in that. Consequently, Satan’s counterfeit empire is well on the way to fulfilment in the form of a one-world government based on a phony unity which will be exposed as a fraud and overturned by Christ at His return at the end of this age. So I repeat: There are two distinct camps in this world. 1) Those who further the heavenly kingdom of the Christ, exposing darkness and living a counterculture existence in the spirit of Truth and Light, and, 2) those who aid and abet the pretended earthly empire of the fallen archangel, Satan, and his fellow fallen angels (demons) — either through deliberate intent or by default. The divide between these two camps will become increasingly wider as the end of this age approaches and the ‘mark of the beast’ (which I explained in chapter 6) becomes the new normal. So there can be no neutrality. One is either in one camp or the other. As the end of this age approaches, never has it been more vital to ask oneself, “Which camp am I in?”…

[This is a thought-provoking mini-extract from the concluding chapter of the book on which I am currently working, provisionally entitled “The Meaning of Apocalypse – A Primer on the Book of Revelation”]

.© Copyright, Alan Morrison, 2021

[The copyright on my works is merely to protect them from any wanton plagiarism which could result in undesirable changes (as has actually happened!). Readers are free to reproduce my work, so long as it is in the same format and with the exact same content and its origin is acknowledged]

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