Blair – Warren – New World Order 2

Vi har hittat en serie riktigt bra artiklar om The New World Order som Paul McGuire har skrivit. Där ser vi Tony Blairs plats i det hela med sin Faithfoundation.  Även Rick Warrens medverkande i det hela för att få en “Världskyrka”

Läs varningen vi fick för detta

The Coming One World Religion, Tony Blair, Rick Warren and Modern Evangelicalism-Part 2

Like the German church in pre-Nazi Germany, much of the Evangelical churches in Europe and around the world have rejected Biblical truth for humanistic psychology and New Age mysticism.  This has caused the church to be unaware of the intensity of the spiritual attack it has been under, especially in the last one hundred years as the fulfillment of Bible prophecy has accelerated. God warns us to be sober, but we have been drunk on the spiritual battlefield.

In making an accurate analysis of the Evangelical church and its infiltration by the coming one world religion, it would be a mistake to exclusively focus on a select number of leaders.  What is important is what powers, both earthly and spiritual, are the driving force for a global government and a world currency.  Although there is a growing Remnant of spiritually alive in churches, the average American, European and Australian church has no comprehension that their churches, nations, world and culture have been planned for complete destruction in order that the anti-Christian new world order that Daniel described as the Fourth Beast or the Revived Roman Empire can replace it.



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